This festival is led by our third year students, who produce, direct and perform in various shows presented both inside and beyond the university.
This year's students will present a wide range of plays, from devised pieces about terrorism to plays about women in the second world war to a comic take on Macbeth – and much much more!
The first play will be presented tonight: If Not Now, When is shown at the Drama Studio 1 on the High Wycombe Campus; it is a thought provoking performance that uses physical theatre to explore a controversial subject very much in the news headlines.
All of the performances will be shown at Bucks New University's own studio theatres between the 16-25 February, before travelling to venues such as The New Wimbledon Theatre Studio, the Et Cetera Theatre in Camden, and local venues such as Norden Farm in Maidenhead and Duke St Theatre between 20 February and 6 March.
Full details of all performances are detailed in the Brochure below.
We very much hope to see you on one or more of the shows.